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Saturday, January 22, 2011


我的旅行似乎是在跟着一种缘分进行着,上帝伸出一只手,于是我跟着他的牵引。我在一次又一次叮咛中上路,奔向下一道风景。日喀则,梦一样的名字,“阿妈拉 说牛羊满山坡,那是因为菩萨保佑着……” 昨天晚上和小浣熊从外面回来,在东措楼梯上看到一张熟悉的面孔,在哪见过呢?
“真的吗?真的吗?那我可以去吗?可以吗?”我当时真的不知道他们每个人都背着超大旅行包,以至于后备箱根本没地方,更不知道江孜的路烂成那个样子,更更 不知道车会陷入泥潭,这十几个小时的路我只能蜷缩在后备箱狭小的空间内晕车,胃疼,没饭吃!!!
我转身对小浣熊“我想我应该去,总不能老是在拉萨 啊!”
小浣熊再三确定了这件事的真实性,犹豫不决。然而我是真的要走了,在拉萨的这些日子我和小浣熊一路同行,我很珍惜这一切,但我不能依赖这些,我应该要走自 己的路。
一大早,我背着背包从202下来,看到小浣熊浅浅的依依难舍的表情,心里酸酸的。我已经习惯了有他这样一个背着小书包似的相机包的小浣熊 一起游山玩水。

当时车上已经坐满,香港人说挤不下我,要是坐车就掏50块钱,然后躺在后备箱里。他以为我会拒绝,我打开后备箱,看到他们四个人的大登山包一个一个舒舒服 服地躺着后备箱里,根本没有下脚的地方,我心里一酸,“好!就把我当个登山包,架在最上面吧!”我对着满脸怨气的香港女人说。
天,可怕的后备箱, 居然和他们的座位一个价!!我当时心里很委屈啊!班车都比这划算!
早饭没吃好,胃生涩的疼起来,完蛋了,这一疼是一时半会好不了的。在后备箱里,还没看清身旁的雅鲁藏布江就被带到了海拔五千的垭口,清晨迷雾重重,能见度 不到十米,山顶仙境一般,一大群藏族小孩迎上来,千万别接受他们的帮助,这是我在西藏得到的教训。往来的游客出于好意常常会施舍钱物,让这些孩子们养成了 坏习惯,“天下没有免费的午餐”,接受他们的帮助,和他们照相全都是要钱的。成科哥哥和车上三个香港同胞都下去照相了,我胃痛难忍,趴在车上一动不动。事 实上趴着都不舒服,五个大包啊!凹凸不平呐!

这一路经过羊卓雍错也好,经过白居寺也好,我带着一阵一阵疼痛难忍的高原反应躺在后备箱狭小的空间里无心去看任何风景。居然车子还陷入泥潭,落得我们在鸟 不生蛋的地方等待帮助。看着香港人大口大口地吃着丰富多彩的食物,我将水壶里冻得冰凉的水倒在方便面上,一口一口忍着胃痛。
车子缓缓下降,羊卓雍 措在氤氲的雾气中慢慢露出真颜。香港同胞性兴奋的叫着,我头晕目眩的,似有似无的晕车加上高原反应,身体单薄的像一张纸。
接近羊湖,像是去亲近一 个女人的胴体,她温柔,隐藏深闺不见人,安静而恬然,圆柔丰腴。她给了我不同于纳木错的安静。纳木错在念青唐古拉群峰的掩映下像羌唐粗犷而豪放的男人,也 因为他非比寻常的身世而让人产生彻骨的寒冷和悲壮。羊湖连体态都很妖娆,弯弯曲曲,颜色更是碧绿得摄人心魄……
我打了一个寒噤,快步回到车上,胃 痛像这湖水一样越来越明朗清晰了。离开羊湖后,路开始艰辛。我时常被颠得大呼小叫,然而旅行就是一种体验,好也罢坏也罢,都是人生经历的一部分,我姑且一 点一点将胃痛忍下去。

我这个穷孩子在西藏没少当坏孩子,除了布达拉宫之外的所有寺庙都被我逃票了。最神奇的是大昭寺,当地人告诉我,藏民进门不收钱,游客要买票。于是我跟着藏 族小姐姐让阿妈拉将我的头发梳成藏族女孩的样子,缠着毛线,绑在头顶上,借了个转经筒,我转啊转,拜啊拜,一低头,转进了大昭寺。
在西藏的旅行 中,我第一次接触到青年旅社。世界各地的背包客不分男女住在宿舍一样的大房间里,一人只得一张干净的床。最初很不习惯和男孩子混住在一起,到后来心理上传 统的东西被旅行一层一层的拨开,原来旅行是可以很简单,很无拘无束的。不过青年旅社最好的地方还是价钱低,2006年在东错,一晚上只要20块钱。我偷 乐:“青年旅社真是伟大,它让我少捡了很多瓶子!”
穷孩子就这样一路搭车、偶尔蹭饭、住青年旅社,得以用捡瓶子的钱支撑了整个西藏旅行。然而因为 对瓶子这个东西中毒之深,在人家脑海里算钱是论“多少块”,在我脑海里算钱是论“多少个瓶子”。超过50个瓶子(5块钱)的中午饭我就不吃了,超过200 个瓶子(20块钱)的地方我就不住了。直到结束旅行后很久,我都没办法改过来这样的价值观。不过总算是发现旅行不是奢侈品,穷人也能用穷人的方式去旅行。
现 在看来日喀则的苦行成为了记忆中独特的一段插曲,旅行原来就是这样如咖啡一般,初来味苦,回味浓香……


我的旅行似乎是在跟着一种缘分进行着,上帝伸出一只手,于是我跟着他的牵引。我在一次又一次叮咛中上路,奔向下一道风景。日喀则,梦一样的名字,“阿妈拉 说牛羊满山坡,那是因为菩萨保佑着……” 昨天晚上和小浣熊从外面回来,在东措楼梯上看到一张熟悉的面孔,在哪见过呢?
“真的吗?真的吗?那我可以去吗?可以吗?”我当时真的不知道他们每个人都背着超大旅行包,以至于后备箱根本没地方,更不知道江孜的路烂成那个样子,更更 不知道车会陷入泥潭,这十几个小时的路我只能蜷缩在后备箱狭小的空间内晕车,胃疼,没饭吃!!!
我转身对小浣熊“我想我应该去,总不能老是在拉萨 啊!”
小浣熊再三确定了这件事的真实性,犹豫不决。然而我是真的要走了,在拉萨的这些日子我和小浣熊一路同行,我很珍惜这一切,但我不能依赖这些,我应该要走自 己的路。
一大早,我背着背包从202下来,看到小浣熊浅浅的依依难舍的表情,心里酸酸的。我已经习惯了有他这样一个背着小书包似的相机包的小浣熊 一起游山玩水。

当时车上已经坐满,香港人说挤不下我,要是坐车就掏50块钱,然后躺在后备箱里。他以为我会拒绝,我打开后备箱,看到他们四个人的大登山包一个一个舒舒服 服地躺着后备箱里,根本没有下脚的地方,我心里一酸,“好!就把我当个登山包,架在最上面吧!”我对着满脸怨气的香港女人说。
天,可怕的后备箱, 居然和他们的座位一个价!!我当时心里很委屈啊!班车都比这划算!
早饭没吃好,胃生涩的疼起来,完蛋了,这一疼是一时半会好不了的。在后备箱里,还没看清身旁的雅鲁藏布江就被带到了海拔五千的垭口,清晨迷雾重重,能见度 不到十米,山顶仙境一般,一大群藏族小孩迎上来,千万别接受他们的帮助,这是我在西藏得到的教训。往来的游客出于好意常常会施舍钱物,让这些孩子们养成了 坏习惯,“天下没有免费的午餐”,接受他们的帮助,和他们照相全都是要钱的。成科哥哥和车上三个香港同胞都下去照相了,我胃痛难忍,趴在车上一动不动。事 实上趴着都不舒服,五个大包啊!凹凸不平呐!

这一路经过羊卓雍错也好,经过白居寺也好,我带着一阵一阵疼痛难忍的高原反应躺在后备箱狭小的空间里无心去看任何风景。居然车子还陷入泥潭,落得我们在鸟 不生蛋的地方等待帮助。看着香港人大口大口地吃着丰富多彩的食物,我将水壶里冻得冰凉的水倒在方便面上,一口一口忍着胃痛。
车子缓缓下降,羊卓雍 措在氤氲的雾气中慢慢露出真颜。香港同胞性兴奋的叫着,我头晕目眩的,似有似无的晕车加上高原反应,身体单薄的像一张纸。
接近羊湖,像是去亲近一 个女人的胴体,她温柔,隐藏深闺不见人,安静而恬然,圆柔丰腴。她给了我不同于纳木错的安静。纳木错在念青唐古拉群峰的掩映下像羌唐粗犷而豪放的男人,也 因为他非比寻常的身世而让人产生彻骨的寒冷和悲壮。羊湖连体态都很妖娆,弯弯曲曲,颜色更是碧绿得摄人心魄……
我打了一个寒噤,快步回到车上,胃 痛像这湖水一样越来越明朗清晰了。离开羊湖后,路开始艰辛。我时常被颠得大呼小叫,然而旅行就是一种体验,好也罢坏也罢,都是人生经历的一部分,我姑且一 点一点将胃痛忍下去。

我这个穷孩子在西藏没少当坏孩子,除了布达拉宫之外的所有寺庙都被我逃票了。最神奇的是大昭寺,当地人告诉我,藏民进门不收钱,游客要买票。于是我跟着藏 族小姐姐让阿妈拉将我的头发梳成藏族女孩的样子,缠着毛线,绑在头顶上,借了个转经筒,我转啊转,拜啊拜,一低头,转进了大昭寺。
在西藏的旅行 中,我第一次接触到青年旅社。世界各地的背包客不分男女住在宿舍一样的大房间里,一人只得一张干净的床。最初很不习惯和男孩子混住在一起,到后来心理上传 统的东西被旅行一层一层的拨开,原来旅行是可以很简单,很无拘无束的。不过青年旅社最好的地方还是价钱低,2006年在东错,一晚上只要20块钱。我偷 乐:“青年旅社真是伟大,它让我少捡了很多瓶子!”
穷孩子就这样一路搭车、偶尔蹭饭、住青年旅社,得以用捡瓶子的钱支撑了整个西藏旅行。然而因为 对瓶子这个东西中毒之深,在人家脑海里算钱是论“多少块”,在我脑海里算钱是论“多少个瓶子”。超过50个瓶子(5块钱)的中午饭我就不吃了,超过200 个瓶子(20块钱)的地方我就不住了。直到结束旅行后很久,我都没办法改过来这样的价值观。不过总算是发现旅行不是奢侈品,穷人也能用穷人的方式去旅行。
现 在看来日喀则的苦行成为了记忆中独特的一段插曲,旅行原来就是这样如咖啡一般,初来味苦,回味浓香……

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Semporna fishing village scenery shooting line series (3) motor Island Omadal starfish scattered Buao

Semporna fishing village scenery shooting line series (3) motor Island Omadal starfish scattered Buao


I did not think to Semporna to dive, my main objective is to shoot live along the coast of Semporna, a "stateless" and Bajau tribe (Bajau Laut).
The so-called "stateless" people is born in Malaysia, Malaysian citizenship was not, but they are not Filipinos, so I put up the outer islands of the sea water houses. By the sea■ blue sky, Semporna, really beautiful.Home life for generations are all on board, is an absolute sea nomads, when the sea waves went around blowing led migration. So far, many Bajau people are still quietly practice their known
Patterns of marine life, which is why they are called "sea gypsies (Sea Gypsies)".
■ In order to protect the face is not sunburned, girls are wiping the local indigenous brewed "sunscreen."Semporna lived a lot of "no boundaries" of the sea people, forgotten by the world like a group of them, some living in wooden huts on the ocean, while others live in sparsely populated, impoverished environment outside the island.
Due to time relationship, we are unable to go to Semporna to shoot each island. In addition to the daily life of the Bajau tribe Bintang Biru great attractions of the Sea Bajau tribe village house, we went to Ao Mada Island (Pulau Omadal). Because the relationship between tide, the water level is too low, each island at low tide into the Ao Mada, must wait until high tide at noon to leave.
Innocent love taking pictures of children
Ao Mada Island is the headquarters of Bajau tribe live, and thus became a photographer to hunt human lens must visit an indicator of the island. More than a hundred families living on the island, about 500 people, compared to Bintang Biru of poverty and backwardness of the water house, the island offers Bajau tribe■ starfish.A great safe haven. Here infrastructure is OK, there are mosques, schools, small grocery stores, generators and so on, but the Bajau tribe living in the Ao Mada Island only coastal water, does not belong to Ao Mada Island residents.
Now, surprisingly blue sky, crystal clear waters can be seen scattered in many starfish. Shy smiling children on the island looking at our visit, some children in the coconut tree swing, so pristine environment, so I feel the children here without heavy academic pressure, only the sea breeze, coconut shadow, beach and swing accompanied by the growth of their carefree.
Unfortunately we can not children with language to communicate the island, had to use gestures more than words is much simpler. Apart from outside the island's children did not give them a good snack distribution, will cause the children came in groups, causing great scenes out of control. The Ao Mada island children will not tell you what else, just love pictures.Photographed them look, they smile very happy.
Step Ruaomada Island, in addition to see children swinging in the coconut tree, and follow us into the island Bajau children, but in Coconut Grove is next to graves of local residents, children is not afraid to play in the next . Ao Mada attracted me to the grave to visit the tomb of the island turned out to be a Chinese. According to the islanders said that early in the British colonial period, a pair of Chinese couple on the island to do business and more than 40 years old sick lady died there was no boat would be sent to Semporna town, remains buried only buried in island, but then you husband and children moved to live in Semporna mayor. Therefore, buried his wife on the island at Ao Mada except in clear, its future generations will come to worship, if events in the body, the mayor asked commanded to worship.
Ao Mada Island coast Bajau tribe lived in the sea, although Bajau tribe lived in their right close, because they have no national boundaries, Bajau tribe is not accepted, including health care and education. Sea Bajau tribe naked children at sea, but will be dressed up to the island, at the very least put on some briefs. True, they is not no education, just not accepted by everyone, and is forced by the living environment.
Gradual sea tide in the afternoon, Ao Mada Island beach immediately attracted a large number of innocent children lovely Bajau tribe to swimming, where they moved for the children play water into heaven. In the innocent and lovely village boy who waved goodbye to the sound of fond memories, we finally left the island of unforgettable Ao Mada.
Way to see the tens of thousands of plastic bottles floating in the sea, which is seaweed farming methods to local fishermen, so seaweed attached to the bottles on the growth of rice planting in the land as plastic bottles like seaweed farms really great people eye-opener.
Semporna is a beautiful and rich of the Pure Land, appeared to be ordinary, but as long as you have insight, you will find it from the ordinary in an extraordinary place, it lurks moving vitality, you will feel the sea's broad, wide , and the childhood of intimacy. Shooting sea nomads living environment, children living, in addition to record the real life of a nation, and Semporna beautiful, unique charm and charming style, but also■ Islanders live in island living by fishing and seaweed.Showing the rich cultural connotations and philosophical reflection, is that many photographers photographic paradise, its neighboring sea islands is rich and diverse marine and submarine divers from around the world rush to come to visit the photographer's why.
Semporna color boat festival
Semporna Bajau tribe's boatman, are held in April this year the ship section and the traditional color, eye-catching yacht race, will be parked along the coast was full of colorful decoration, known as riba (Lepa) of the vessel, so that Semporna town atmosphere boiling up. These in mangrove (color Rajat) made of the boat, elegant stylized vessel, is known as sea gypsies, known as Bajau tribe, proud of the traditional cultural treasures. Their ships, from stern to bow, mast, etc., are crafted to carve the rich marine and religious atmosphere, such as wave ripples, fish, mermaids, and the hippocampus of the patterns.
Boat Festival in color, each ship will sail hung with vivid colors, and numerous small banner. Festival is the climax of the array in the row boat team color to swing off the shore by boats, each boat group has musicians play music, dance dancers smiling and look forward to be appreciated and to win the annual "the most beautiful Reba" Award of the moment. Exciting fun games and contests such as tug boats, canoeing and rowing competitions, will also be carried out in that time, many unexpected conditions, certainly makes interesting reading.
Think of "travel" really is out of love for life, or tired? Maybe it gave me back the feeling, I felt after the break is a must go on the road. The reason I chose to travel, at least not happy not happy, able to travel to redeem themselves.
For me, life is hello and goodbye keep talking. The journey is the kind of life enrichment. It allows you to fall in love in a very short time, a local who had a shorter period of time say goodbye to it. Walking is an attitude, both on life or on their own. "Escape the escape of the walk, give yourself a chance to create a pretext to take advantage of a good travel young, near and far anyway, outside the house as if it is calle

Friday, January 14, 2011




「叻沙九」槟城叻沙 六十年来幸福的小吃

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